Friday, February 15, 2013

Post Workout Nutrition

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How important is it to get fuel after a workout? In my opinion, it depends ... it depends on your goals and it also depends heavily on how your diet for the rest of the day.
Nutrition post workout (PWO) is a highly debated topic, some people of the importance of nutrition in the PWO 30-40min swear finish a workout, while others argue that it is not as important as they should. In this article I will cover both topics and the reasons behind them.
A post-workout meal can be a solid meal or liquid diet (meal replacement shake) be. When it comes to PWO nutrition comes shortly after exercise, diet liquid is known, a simple way to quickly find the nutrients to muscles because they are very receptive. The theory is that insulin-induced elevation carbohydrates PWO shake and helps shuttle amino acids (proteins) in muscle cells and promote protein synthesis.
If you're goal is to increase muscle mass, I recommend a post workout shake within a maximum of 40 minutes of finishing your workout, and follow up later with a meal 60-90min. The post-workout shake should consist of high GI (glycemic index) carbohydrates, protein, micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, etc.) and should be low in fat.
In this case, it is necessary that you promote enough carbohydrates, an important release of insulin, the hormone insulin as doping opens the window for carbohydrates and proteins in the muscles get to eat and begin to repair the tissues. It is difficult to say exactly how many carbs you should eat, because if you use too much, the excess carbohydrates are not used, could turn into stored fat.
However, research has shown that taking 0.8 to 1.2 grams per 1 kg of body weight (which is lean body mass), the insulin response is increased and accelerated protein / muscle repair. If you want to calculate, I recommend 0.8 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of lean body mass, unless you have made a very long workout intense, in which case you may feel better eating more.
He is also important micronutrients in the original post-workout nutrition, how (can because there are more nutrients in the body to use and needs) of micronutrients in the transport protein to help muscles and increases significantly the rate of repair of muscle tissue. In addition, during a training session, damage to the immune system and increase micronutrient intake after exercise and during the rest of the day will help the immune system back to optimal level / maximum.
Make sure that your training is worth it. A session of 30 minutes of high intensity is not likely to bring your glycogen levels low enough for it to be replaced. If you drink a high GI post workout and have your glycogen stores are not lowered, chances are that you are probably about to peak your insulin levels to be higher than what they contribute to benefits of long-term health needs, and as a result you get the fat stores.
Well, if your goal is to reduce body fat, then it's a different story in the PWO nutrition, and it is not just PWO nutrition after a workout, but fast (not not eat) for 1.5-2h after the session.
The most important factor to keep in mind that the food you eat during the day when your body with effective amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fat and micronutrients during the day, is a regime post-workout shake / meal is not all that is necessary, especially if the purpose of body composition, however, reduce stored body fat.
I do not recommend a workout on an empty stomach if you have a good diet throughout the day (that is, you are your body with effective amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fats and micronutrients), as this system should be just enough body to repair itself. after training, so a shake post-workout nutrition / meal is not always all that is necessary, especially if the goal is to reduce body composition contrast, stored body fat
When the day of the diet is healthy, I do not see why muscle repair and performance targets would be affected by a lack of the first post-workout nutrition. If you do not eat a good diet, but then you must be not only fuel your body properly for that to happen.
The idea of ​​a post-workout is fast, is not to starve to reduce your total calorie intake, the idea is to delay, however, the food to obtain. The benefits of fasting without a calorie deficit Calorie deprive a completely different topic all together, but in brief, deprives no good for you calories in the long term.
A window of 1.5 2h after fasting training must the body to burn energy when. No energy through the consumption of foods that the body look elsewhere, and the number one is stored body fat This is why fasting post-workout can be very beneficial for those looking to reduce body fat.
So make sure your diet is good, it should be, in any case, if you want to achieve optimal health and performance can be achieved. Unfortunately, I know too many people who think they eat well, but in reality, have a diet very low in terms of nutritional value and quantity. So here are some quick notes on whether your diet to compensate for a quick after training;
If you do not feed your body bad foods (ie cereals, starch, sugar, processed foods) instead of real food, you're probably healthy diet and your body will be carried out effectively. On a deeper understanding, however, when it comes to us in your diet on a daily basis is if you eat the following, you are definitely on the road to good health;
Eat at least 1.2 grams of protein per pound of lean muscle mass
Get carbohydrate sources of fruits and vegetables
Consuming omega-3 fish oil per day
Enough calories for your body to function properly
Be consistent with good nutrition
If you are not sure of the quality of your meals and your diet, monitor for a week and excited to measure and record the foods you eat, you can get what you eat really be surprised.
Finally, if you want to lean out the window, could delay your PWO nutrition be a good option. But if you put on muscle mass or just finished a long training session, where will your glycogen is low power PWO shake quite important.
And if you're still uncertain about what to do, play. With what happens to your body composition, a jolt when a PWO Vs can not make a decision There are many studies that show the benefits of these two situations, but its best if you take a personal approach to the situation and see what works best for you, because there is not a single protocol that works well for everyone.
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