Friday, February 15, 2013

Post Workout Nutrition

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How important is it to get fuel after a workout? In my opinion, it depends ... it depends on your goals and it also depends heavily on how your diet for the rest of the day.
Nutrition post workout (PWO) is a highly debated topic, some people of the importance of nutrition in the PWO 30-40min swear finish a workout, while others argue that it is not as important as they should. In this article I will cover both topics and the reasons behind them.
A post-workout meal can be a solid meal or liquid diet (meal replacement shake) be. When it comes to PWO nutrition comes shortly after exercise, diet liquid is known, a simple way to quickly find the nutrients to muscles because they are very receptive. The theory is that insulin-induced elevation carbohydrates PWO shake and helps shuttle amino acids (proteins) in muscle cells and promote protein synthesis.
If you're goal is to increase muscle mass, I recommend a post workout shake within a maximum of 40 minutes of finishing your workout, and follow up later with a meal 60-90min. The post-workout shake should consist of high GI (glycemic index) carbohydrates, protein, micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, etc.) and should be low in fat.
In this case, it is necessary that you promote enough carbohydrates, an important release of insulin, the hormone insulin as doping opens the window for carbohydrates and proteins in the muscles get to eat and begin to repair the tissues. It is difficult to say exactly how many carbs you should eat, because if you use too much, the excess carbohydrates are not used, could turn into stored fat.
However, research has shown that taking 0.8 to 1.2 grams per 1 kg of body weight (which is lean body mass), the insulin response is increased and accelerated protein / muscle repair. If you want to calculate, I recommend 0.8 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of lean body mass, unless you have made a very long workout intense, in which case you may feel better eating more.
He is also important micronutrients in the original post-workout nutrition, how (can because there are more nutrients in the body to use and needs) of micronutrients in the transport protein to help muscles and increases significantly the rate of repair of muscle tissue. In addition, during a training session, damage to the immune system and increase micronutrient intake after exercise and during the rest of the day will help the immune system back to optimal level / maximum.
Make sure that your training is worth it. A session of 30 minutes of high intensity is not likely to bring your glycogen levels low enough for it to be replaced. If you drink a high GI post workout and have your glycogen stores are not lowered, chances are that you are probably about to peak your insulin levels to be higher than what they contribute to benefits of long-term health needs, and as a result you get the fat stores.
Well, if your goal is to reduce body fat, then it's a different story in the PWO nutrition, and it is not just PWO nutrition after a workout, but fast (not not eat) for 1.5-2h after the session.
The most important factor to keep in mind that the food you eat during the day when your body with effective amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fat and micronutrients during the day, is a regime post-workout shake / meal is not all that is necessary, especially if the purpose of body composition, however, reduce stored body fat.
I do not recommend a workout on an empty stomach if you have a good diet throughout the day (that is, you are your body with effective amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fats and micronutrients), as this system should be just enough body to repair itself. after training, so a shake post-workout nutrition / meal is not always all that is necessary, especially if the goal is to reduce body composition contrast, stored body fat
When the day of the diet is healthy, I do not see why muscle repair and performance targets would be affected by a lack of the first post-workout nutrition. If you do not eat a good diet, but then you must be not only fuel your body properly for that to happen.
The idea of ​​a post-workout is fast, is not to starve to reduce your total calorie intake, the idea is to delay, however, the food to obtain. The benefits of fasting without a calorie deficit Calorie deprive a completely different topic all together, but in brief, deprives no good for you calories in the long term.
A window of 1.5 2h after fasting training must the body to burn energy when. No energy through the consumption of foods that the body look elsewhere, and the number one is stored body fat This is why fasting post-workout can be very beneficial for those looking to reduce body fat.
So make sure your diet is good, it should be, in any case, if you want to achieve optimal health and performance can be achieved. Unfortunately, I know too many people who think they eat well, but in reality, have a diet very low in terms of nutritional value and quantity. So here are some quick notes on whether your diet to compensate for a quick after training;
If you do not feed your body bad foods (ie cereals, starch, sugar, processed foods) instead of real food, you're probably healthy diet and your body will be carried out effectively. On a deeper understanding, however, when it comes to us in your diet on a daily basis is if you eat the following, you are definitely on the road to good health;
Eat at least 1.2 grams of protein per pound of lean muscle mass
Get carbohydrate sources of fruits and vegetables
Consuming omega-3 fish oil per day
Enough calories for your body to function properly
Be consistent with good nutrition
If you are not sure of the quality of your meals and your diet, monitor for a week and excited to measure and record the foods you eat, you can get what you eat really be surprised.
Finally, if you want to lean out the window, could delay your PWO nutrition be a good option. But if you put on muscle mass or just finished a long training session, where will your glycogen is low power PWO shake quite important.
And if you're still uncertain about what to do, play. With what happens to your body composition, a jolt when a PWO Vs can not make a decision There are many studies that show the benefits of these two situations, but its best if you take a personal approach to the situation and see what works best for you, because there is not a single protocol that works well for everyone.
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Why You Should Consider Organs

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Many people may think of bodies to be uncomfortable due to modern misconceptions, but may in fact offal not only delicious but it is also a nutritional powerhouse. Many followers of the paleo diet opt ​​for a healthy serving. Organ meat in your eating routine, and there are several reasons why you should consider doing the same There are many innards eaten available, and some are exotic and adventurous than others, but the basics are the probably the easiest when it comes to prepare at home, are the liver, heart and kidneys.

Offal is one of the most concentrated sources of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Innards are rich in B vitamins, including folic acid and vitamin B12. They also have loads of minerals we need and can not be many other foods, such as iron, copper and selenium, to name a few. In addition to B vitamins in other offal are fat-soluble vitamins including A, C, D and E, high innards are a food source with the highest content of natural vitamin D.

Offal is rich in fat, the fat, but they are very healthy. Offal with amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids packaged. These fats are important, not only for cardiovascular function in good health, but they also make our skin look younger and healthy. Amino acids are the building blocks of our body and eating offal rich in amino acids is ideal for cell repair and operations. Heart, in particular to contain large amounts of collagen and elastin, which not only is important for the health of joints and tissues, but also for healthy skin.

Organ meat is usually much cheaper than in the muscle. If you are concerned that the meat purchase the source is to increase your grocery bill, it might be a good idea for you to get the guts muscle meals several times one week instead of meat. Offal is not only cheaper than in the muscle, but you get much more nutritional value for your money. Often you will be able to flesh body that is grass-fed and organic for less money than non-organic, muscle not buy grass fed, so when buying meat body, you are likely to get a quality product for very little money, relatively seen.
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Foods to Avoid On The Paleo Diet

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I can say the research, paleo hunter-gatherers consumed a diet rich in raw foods, including meat, fish, fruit, vegetables and plants, and avoid foods that include cooking to be edible they contain grains. When it was discovered that about 100,000 years ago cooking beans, they edible, they were soon regarded as a great meal, not only were they long (especially good for winter periods) will be saved, but they can be easily transported and were and caloric density.
Over time, the grain was very popular, culture increased crop and new technologies have been developed to increase the speed of production. But one thing has remained the same during this period, it is difficult to digest your body and your body's ability to assimilate and this food source, which is not visible.
It was considered a chaotic time for the human body to cereals and other foods recently by modern farming and processing technologies introduced to adapt, but it was not the fact that the grains most often designed as a source of healthy nutritious food is determined by the most people, including doctors and nutritionists.
Grain, but not healthy foods so often on television and in the popular literature of Health announced. Grains contain anti-nutrients that interact with our bodies function, producing toxicity inhibits the absorption of nutrients and enzymes necessary for digestion of attack. Grains as lectin and gluten, both inflammatory disorders and digestive problems such as leaks well connected.
The glycemic index grains is much higher than the unprocessed fruits and vegetables. A steady increase in the level of sugar in the blood leads to many health problems, including diabetes, weight gain and cardiovascular disease. Avoid types of wheat grain on Paleo diet and all processed foods with wheat flour or wheat, rye and all processed foods with wheat, rye, barley, rice, oats and corn are produced.
Because dairy is not part of the paleo diet, because people do not eat dairy products before animals were domesticated. In my opinion, may be fresh dairy products and healthy animals (cow, goat or sheep) is a positive addition to the diet. But the problem with most dairy shelves of supermarkets snake comes down to two factors, the factors above all the animal health and treatment.
The environment and living conditions which are under commercial cows not promote good health. They are held in a closed cell simple cement floors in a building crowded forced to produce milk 10 months of the year. The cows are fed a diet consisting of grain, corn and soy, and are often stuffed with antibiotics and growth hormones. An unhealthy cow can not produce milk and healthy taking into account the lifetime of commercial cows is 42 months (12-15 years ago against grazing cow) milk is defiantly not not healthy.
Most dairy products, we are able to simply buy in supermarkets are highly processed. The pasteurization of milk proteins significantly denatured and kill the enzymes and beneficial bacteria. The same procedure is associated with yogurt, but make things worse yogurt also contains traces of sugar high.
Legumes have a similar story to grains, they have not been consumed by the paleo hunter-gatherers, as they are cooked to be edible are required. Grain legumes also similar traits in their composition, they contain phytates which inhibit the absorption of nutrients and cause inflammation. They also contain lectins and play with healthy hormone function.
Avoid types of pulses on the Paleo diet are lentils, beans (like the red beans, pinto beans and beans), peanuts (peanuts are a legume not a nut), soybeans and chickpeas.
It is easy to see fairy tales, such as sweets were not part of the diet of hunter-gatherers, most sweets and desserts are the result of advanced technology and important treatment combined aromas of sugar and chemicals.
For thousands of years ago survived the paleo hunter-gatherers, without consuming any trace of sugar in addition to those found naturally in fruits such as berries. Refined sugars are a recent introduction of the company, but consumption is growing rapidly every year, in 1900, the average person consumes 10 pounds of sugar per year, in 1985, the average person consumes 124 pounds per year, 2000, the average annual consumption of sugar was 160 pounds per person.
The list of negative effects on the health of sugar on the body parts is endless, not only sugar low in nutrients, but it also acts as an inhibitory anti-nutrients and nutrient drainage of the body . Sugar is the main cause of diabetes, weight gain, tooth decay, heart disease, osteoporosis and immune dysfunction.
Technologies with the addition of food, calories without advanced sugar such as aspartame, Splenda and Equal have been created.
This artificial sweetener is not the solution to the negative effects on the health of refined sugar, as they play their own role in the damage to the body. Artificial sweeteners made from table sugar and modified with chemicals, such as chlorine, phosgene and gas, they function as excitatory in the body, leading to cell death.
Trans fats
The only type of fat is healthy for the body, essential fatty acids, important because the body needs to stay healthy. These fats can be found in meat, nuts, seeds and some vegetables.
The problem again, when it comes to non-healthy fats is the modern food technology, when the oil above 200 degrees Celsius, the form of the fatty acid molecules change is heated, it turns into a fat toxic trans fatty acids.
Some fats can become rancid and cause free radical damage in the body when subjected to high temperatures, an article I wrote applied. Titles best oils for cooking give you an idea of ​​some oils to avoid when cooking at high temperate.
Our body uses the fat in many ways, but one of the main uses of fats in the body is to create cell membranes. Causes consume the wrong types of fats (ie trans fat) membranes as unhealthy and eventually die and dysfunction.
Avoid types of oils on the paleo diet are oils supermarkets such as canola oil, olive oil, safflower oil and sunflower oil.
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Malnutrition And The Paleo Diet

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Malnutrition affects not only the starving children in third world countries, the stomach protrudes, malnutrition is widespread in the well nourished. In fact, malnutrition is the main cause of the disease for the simple reason that the body does not receive the essential nutrients it needs to stay healthy not healthy cells = diseased cells. A lack of nutrients can cause many health problems, let alone several shortcomings.
A deficiency can have multiple effects on health. For example, reducing a vitamin B3 deficiency the body's ability to absorb vitamin C - a vitamin C deficiency will interfere with the absorption of iron - too much copper in - a lack of iron, excessive intake of copper lead blood inhibits the production of cortisol - low cortisol levels cause adrenal fatigue. Magnesium is one of the major shortcomings of society contributes magnesium deficiency increases sodium retention and may eventually lead to a lack of Vitamin A - Vitamin A deficiency inhibits the body's ability to fight infection. Other important gaps in the company include zinc, chromium, vitamin A, E and B6.
Often people will supplement their diet with mega-doses of some vitamins or certain minerals, but it can also cause malnutrition. For example, too much calcium can cause a deficiency of phosphorus and magnesium - which can cause symptoms almost identical to that of calcium deficiency. Or consume too much zinc can irritate and cause an imbalance of vitamin D - too much zinc can also be a copper deficiency and / or iron and an imbalance of potassium and sodium.
When our body cells do not get the nutrients they need to stay healthy, they malfunction or die, that's where the disease sets in. Everything we eat, drink or swallow will determine the quality of our blood, the determine the quality of our health.
Obesity is a major sign of malnutrition or starvation, although much is eaten, it is the right foods that are not consumed to satisfy hunger, normalize metabolism, maintain a high level of energy and support healthy cells that is the problem. About 90% of what people consume the most obese nutritionally dead, white rice, pasta, bread, cereals, dairy products and sweets (these are some of the most nutritionally dead foods, you will find it). Therefore, we have a lot of overweight people suffer for so many different health problems, whether low energy, lack of libido, depression, constant nausea, constipation or diarrhea, diabetes and insomnia.
Outside nutritionally depleted, is another problem that we in society effect the quality of our food, which have been modified to reduce that low in nutritional value, processing, transporting, storing and preserving all the help, the nutritional value in food, especially if it. around fruits and vegetables, which are more often than not grown in poor soils and dead sprayed with chemicals to accelerate growth while repelling insects and insect comes This does not mean that these fruits and vegetables contain no nutritional value at all, but they were significantly reduced in the process.
Even people who eat a diet rich in nutritional value slightly optimally to lack of essential nutrients that the body needs to stay healthy and function. Not just because of some concerns nutritionally depleted mentioned, but because our modern lifestyle is unfortunately an environment for toxins that can cause cellular dysfunction and disease. Each person has their own nutritional needs are nutritional needs of each person as unique as their fingerprints.
In 2000 it was said that 1.2 billion people in developed countries suffer from malnutrition, or because they consume too much of the wrong foods, foods that contain little or no nutritional value. However, we will still be told by health professionals, food manufacturers and products within the education system that we., A diet rich to eat those foods that are bad for our health and does not help to maintain a healthy body This could simply due to poor information, education, laziness or marketing well as I (already mentioned in an article I wrote, "Candy guests heading, describes some of the ways manufacturers have been able to convince the majority of people believe that sugar-laden cereals nutritionally dead) as a healthy and nutritious for them and their children.
What we need to focus on nutrition to avoid malnutrition and deficiency is to maintain the right amount of food that our 75 trillion cells to stay healthy, do not do what virtually guarantees disease. A diet rich in whole foods nutrition enter the cells with what they need to repair and produce new cells.
One of the best additions we can make our diet, the Paleolithic diet to follow. The Paleolithic diet is rich in nutritional value because it does not include foods which contain little or no nutritional value, such as white bread, white rice, pasta and cereals. The Paleolithic diet consists of foods that our bodies are designed to eat nutrient-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. For this reason, the Paleolithic diet is eliminated also health concerns with the consumption of a diet high in sugar and other high GI (glycemic index) foods, such as diabetes.
Is keeping an eye on our lifestyle is also crucial, a lifestyle of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day will not help maintain cellular health.
Be active in remarkable changes in our body is also extremely important to counteract future shortages and possible malnutrition before they rely heavily on the functioning of the body in general weigh and noticed a decrease in energy, reduced libido, can sleep or sudden symptoms of Depression all evidence of defects can be identified and if treated early and easily be handled efficiently.
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The Paleo Diet

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The Paleolithic diet / paleo diet regime, is the oldest and most important, that people have developed, it is the foundation of our biology and our digestive system is what gives us good health.
Unfortunately, many people have no idea how the modern food technology has improved the quality of healthy foods damaged as chemicals our bodies cacogenics spend almost every second of the day, as sleep is important for our health and how good nutrition based food we eat, where you can set up huge impact on the quality of our health.
The Paleo Diet focuses on foods that we eat human development, while eliminating processed foods loaded with sugar now the origin of the many, many diseases that we are connected to the company today.
About 40thousand years ago we had someone living as hunter-gatherers, we lived off the land and what the land has provided for us to eat and drink. As hunter-gatherers, we eat fruits and vegetables in season, nuts, seeds and animals. There are many people who still live in the countryside, many villages in Africa and China grow their own crops and eat what is available to them.

So What Foods Make up The Paleo Diet?

Nuts and seeds

These foods are made available by mother nature, do not require treatment for agricultural or edible.
But things have changed. Not more than 100 200yrs Before the industrial revolution began to refine and process the food worth eating these foods was left. The bread was white and white dairy products made from raw milk is pasteurized and sugar began its way into almost every food to modernized.
We live in a society where the rate of illness and disease is growing steadily in life, in America alone, there are 23million people are diagnosed with cancer each year, 41 million people suffering from heart disease, 50 million people with hypertension, 80 million people with diabetes (and this figure is expected to double by two generations), and 64% of adults in the United States are overweight or obese.
Nutrition has the ability to take responsibility for our health, well-being and longevity. The food is good or bad, the food we put in our mouths radically change our hormones, our energy, and of course our well-being.
Studies have shown that 70% of all deaths in America are linked to diet, I would not be surprised if this statistic was more like 90%.
There is a common link to nutrition and health and nutrition to treat disease. As Hippocrates said, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be your food."
Good nutrition, available through the nutritionally rich foods that make up the paleo diet has and continues to treat and cure many ailments, non-treated (and sometimes saw how uncured) every day. Diseases such as epilepsy, is in a state of many children and adults on a daily basis continue to face several times, both in children and adults through dietary changes which healed after a Paleo diet. Unfortunately, in most cases, medications are prescribed and are still often prescribed for a lifetime.
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