Friday, February 15, 2013

The Paleo Diet

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The Paleolithic diet / paleo diet regime, is the oldest and most important, that people have developed, it is the foundation of our biology and our digestive system is what gives us good health.
Unfortunately, many people have no idea how the modern food technology has improved the quality of healthy foods damaged as chemicals our bodies cacogenics spend almost every second of the day, as sleep is important for our health and how good nutrition based food we eat, where you can set up huge impact on the quality of our health.
The Paleo Diet focuses on foods that we eat human development, while eliminating processed foods loaded with sugar now the origin of the many, many diseases that we are connected to the company today.
About 40thousand years ago we had someone living as hunter-gatherers, we lived off the land and what the land has provided for us to eat and drink. As hunter-gatherers, we eat fruits and vegetables in season, nuts, seeds and animals. There are many people who still live in the countryside, many villages in Africa and China grow their own crops and eat what is available to them.

So What Foods Make up The Paleo Diet?

Nuts and seeds

These foods are made available by mother nature, do not require treatment for agricultural or edible.
But things have changed. Not more than 100 200yrs Before the industrial revolution began to refine and process the food worth eating these foods was left. The bread was white and white dairy products made from raw milk is pasteurized and sugar began its way into almost every food to modernized.
We live in a society where the rate of illness and disease is growing steadily in life, in America alone, there are 23million people are diagnosed with cancer each year, 41 million people suffering from heart disease, 50 million people with hypertension, 80 million people with diabetes (and this figure is expected to double by two generations), and 64% of adults in the United States are overweight or obese.
Nutrition has the ability to take responsibility for our health, well-being and longevity. The food is good or bad, the food we put in our mouths radically change our hormones, our energy, and of course our well-being.
Studies have shown that 70% of all deaths in America are linked to diet, I would not be surprised if this statistic was more like 90%.
There is a common link to nutrition and health and nutrition to treat disease. As Hippocrates said, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be your food."
Good nutrition, available through the nutritionally rich foods that make up the paleo diet has and continues to treat and cure many ailments, non-treated (and sometimes saw how uncured) every day. Diseases such as epilepsy, is in a state of many children and adults on a daily basis continue to face several times, both in children and adults through dietary changes which healed after a Paleo diet. Unfortunately, in most cases, medications are prescribed and are still often prescribed for a lifetime.
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